FDNM partners are disappointed that SJR9 did not get a hearing in Senate Rules.
See our March 17 press release.
See our latest Constant Contact to see how you can help
Here are some resources you can use:
The American Redistricting Project.
See the survey responses here (DOCX): SurveyResponsesFinal.docx.
Read the January 22, 2024 Op-ed in the ABQ Journal: OPINION: NM needs an independent redistricting commission with teeth.
The Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission endorses the Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) to create an Independent Redistricting Commission. On January 5 the Commission voted unanimously to endorse the SJR. Read the resolution here.
Find More New Mexico Redistricting Resources at RedistrictNM.org.
Learn about the state of and future possibilities for redistricting here in New Mexico. This session was led by NMOE Board Member and Fair Districts New Mexico Project Coordinator, Kathleen Burke, and joined by Representative Natalie Figueroa, Professor and Journalist Gwyneth Doland, and Redistricting Advocate Mary Henrie Smith.
The NM Supreme Court cited the 3 criteria stated for determining partisan gerrymandering set out in Justice Kagan's dissent in Rucho v Common Cause.
Hear her read her dissent here: This is why Fair Districts works on reform.
July 12: The League of Women Voters of New Mexico presented NM Representative
Natalie Figueroa (D. Albuquerque) with the 2023 "Making Democracy Work" award.
Representative Figueroa has expressed an exemplary willingness to lead beyond the partisan divide to pass important legislation. In 2021 Representative Figueroa, a Democrat, worked with fellow legislators, including Republicans, to pass the Redistricting Act which created the Citizens Redistricting Committee. In the 2023 session she co-sponsored House Joint Resolution 1 (HJR1) with Republican Representative Jason Harper (House District 57, Rio Rancho) which would have placed the question of creation of an independent redistricting commission on the 2024 ballot.
Representative Figueroa has also worked with Senator Michael Padilla to pass legislation that expands access to broadband throughout New Mexico. Access to broadband enables more New Mexicans to fully participate in the political process
Read the full story here (PDF).
Judicial leaders call for a independent redistricting commission.
Editorial: HJR 1 could finally end gerrymandering and buddymandering in NM.
HJR1 passes House Elections and Indian Affairs Committee by a 5-2 bipartisan vote. Now on to House Judiciary. Please contact members and ask them to give HJR1 a "do pass": House Judiciary.
Oped in the Santa Fe New Mexican.
NM HOUSE AFTER THE 2022 GENERAL ELECTION – Official Results 12/15/22 (docx)
A Nov 19, 2022 editorial in the Santa Fe New Mexican discussing Dr. Gabe Sanchez's study, and the importance of an independent redistricting commission: Independence is key for redistricting.
Dr. Gabe Sanchez discusses the 2021 New Mexico Redistricting Evaluation on NM InFocus.
Have something to say about the findings? Contact your legislators today!
10.4.22 Redistricting Evaluation Release Public Meeting from New Mexico First on Vimeo.
In this public meeting, researchers Dr. Gabe Sanchez and Dr. David Cottrell share findings contained in the NM Redistricting Evaluation Report released in September, 2022.
The report can be accessed below.
Have something to say about the findings? Contact your legislators today!
See the full New Mexico Redistricting Evaluation here (9.7Mb)
See the New Mexico Redistricting Evaluation Executive Summary here
See the detailed Press Release for the Evaluation here
Have something to say about the findings? Contact your legislators today!
Fair Districts for New Mexico is nonpartisan, but we remind New Mexico Democratic policymakers and candidates that their Democratic Party of New Mexico State Platform 2022 plank on redistricting states: “We will advocate for a constitutional amendment to end gerrymandering by creating and giving authority to an independent non-partisan redistricting commission that includes diverse membership, specifically including Native American representation and participation. This commission shall be separate from the legislative process to prevent the drawing of political boundaries favoring one party over another or favoring incumbents.”
Green Party National Platform: Nonpartisan redistricting: Establish independent and transparent non-partisan redistricting processes to stop partisan gerrymandering and protect minority rights and representation.
Libertarian Party National Platform on Representative Government:We oppose laws that effectively exclude alternative candidates and parties, deny ballot access, gerrymander districts, or deny the voters their right to consider all alternatives.
To our knowledge the Republican Party does not have a platform plank on redistricting.
The Secretary of State has maps for the new Congressional districts. The sidebar on the left has links to the New Mexico Senate, House and Public Education districts.
The League of Women Voters of New Mexico also has updated NM District Maps.
FDNM Public Meeting 1/4/2022, "The Constitutional Amendment for an Independent Redistricting Commission in New Mexico": Zoom recording (use passcode YjrB2e@E).
Resources for Research:
Fair Districts For New Mexico (FDNM) Summary of the Redistricting Session.
Citizen Redistricting Committee Final Report
Citizen Redistricting Committee Adopted District Maps
Advocates laud state's new approach to decennial redistricting processing, By Robert Nott
Article in the Santa Fe New Mexican:
First glimpse of proposed New Mexico redistricting maps shows many options
Casey Douma of Laguna Pueblo, co-chair of the All Pueblo Council
of Governors' redistricting committee addressed the Citizen
Redistricting Committee on August 14 at the Albuquerque Indian
Pueblo Cultural Center. We share
Mr. Douma's informative presentation here.
Recording of the Webinar Redistricting Rock Stars, Tuesday, January 12, 6:30pm.
See FDNM with Redistricting Task Force Chairmen former NM Supreme Court Justice Edward Chavez and former NM Appeals Court Judge Roderick Kennedy as we discuss how the Chairmen foresee the Task Force's findings affecting redistricting reform at the legislative session. We also discuss the Redistricting Act, the Senate bill for redistricting reform. Hosted by the League of Women Voters New Mexico President, Hannah Burling.
Read the Task Force's report here: Redistricting Taskforce in New Mexico.
Writer and reporter Gwyneth Doland, of New Mexico In Depth, speaks about the historical aspects of redistricting in New Mexico, how they impact redistricting today, and what we might expect in redistricting 2021. Doland is the author of Redistricting NM 2021; A troubled history and opportunities for change.
View the video of our webinar on Redistricting in New Mexico.
Research & Polling presentation to New Mexico Legislative Council (PDF, 1.5M) from January 19, 2021.
Results of a poll on public views on redistricting reform by UNM Center for
Social Policy. In some cases the presentation compares the public views with
those who applied to be on the Redistricting Task Force:
2020 New Mexico Redistricting Survey.
Downloadable Articles and Info.
Themes for Op/Eds and Letters to the Editor.
You can get legislator contact information from the New Mexico League of Women Voters.
Kathleen Burke; fairdistricts (at) lwvnm (dot) org; 505-255-0103, calls only
Dick Mason: act (at) lwvnm (dot) org;505-239-3804